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    مجموعة أسئلة لقصة الصف الثانى الثانوى

    Ahmed Selim

    عدد المساهمات : 14
    نقاط : 51235
    تاريخ التسجيل : 04/05/2010

    مجموعة أسئلة لقصة الصف الثانى الثانوى Empty مجموعة أسئلة لقصة الصف الثانى الثانوى

    مُساهمة  Ahmed Selim الخميس مايو 13, 2010 10:54 pm

    1. What mission did the four men go for?
    • To steal the gold from the archeological site.
    2. What precautions did the robbers take to carry out their plan?
    a) They fixed local number plates to their land cruisers.
    b) The two cars moved without lights and their engines were silent.
    3. Why did the four robbers switch off their lights and engines ?
    • Because they did not want the archaeologists to see or hear them.
    4. What did they see on the walls of the passage?
    • They saw paintings of ancient Egyptian gods, and writing from.
    3,000 years ago.
    5. What have the team of Egyptian archeologists discovered so far?
    • They have discovered two rooms underground :
    a) The first room had five mummies.
    b) The second one had contained treasures but they were sent to .
    the museum in Cairo.
    6. What equipment did the men use to see through walls?
    • They used Ground- penetrating Radar.
    7. What is the function of the computer in the GPR machine?
    • It changes the radio waves into a picture.
    8. What was strange about the underground passages?
    • a- They were like underground streets.
    • b- Enormous spiders' webs hung from the ceiling.
    9. Why were the men excited when they went through the gold doors?
    • Because the room they discovered was full of boxes, pots, large
    gold objects and two mummies had gold masks.
    10. Why did the big man shout "Get them off me"?
    • The big man shouted, "Get them off me" because the spiders were
    biting him again and again and he felt their long fangs.
    11.Why did the small man thought the spiders were unknown?
    • a- They have been under the ground for thousands of years.
    • b- Nobody knows about them .
    12.How did the small man account for his opinion about the
    unknown spider?
    • He said that some scientist found some fish in an underground lake.
    They were like no other fish (an unknown species). Maybe these
    spiders are like those fish. They've been under the ground for
    thousands of years, and nobody knows about them.
    13. Why did the small man shout, "let's get out of here"'?
    • Because the spider bit him three times before he killed it.
    14. How did the robbers meet their end?
    • They died effected by the deadly spiders' bites.
    15. In the pilot's opinion, what killed the four robbers?
    • The pilot thought that they probably got lost and died of thirst as
    their water’s all gone.

    16. When was the pilot saved?
    • The pilot’s life was saved when he moved to go back to the helicopter, as the spiders were towards his hands.
    17. What was Ayman's favourite hobby ? Why?
    • Ayman’s favourite hobby was the Internet, because he used it for
    his university studies and for making friends in other countries.
    18. Why do you think Ayman was- pleased that he had his own room in the house ?
    • To practise his hobby without being disturbed.
    19. How did Najat escape death?
    • When the spider moved to attack her, Najar's foot moved away
    and the spider looked for some where safer.
    20. What at surprised Ayman when he saw the deadly spider?
    • Ayman was surprised at its speed and size.
    21. Describe the biggest spider.
    • It was black, with two yellow lines on its back its body was as big
    as a small apple. It had eight eyes and two of them were more
    than a centimetre wide. It had eight legs. The longest of them was
    as long as a pencil. It had two long fangs.
    22. Why could nobody find the spiders for a long time ?
    • Because the spiders lived in unknown places.
    23. Who did Ayman consult first to identify the spider he saw?
    • His friend who was a student at zoology department.
    24. What is the difference between the spiders' webs and the
    world wide web?
    • Spiders' webs are used to catch flies.
    • The world web is like a great library, but the information in this
    library is not in one place as books and newspaper. but it moves
    between thousands of computer around the world .
    25. What was the old Egyptian text about?
    • It was about a town in ancient Egypt where a lot of people were
    killed by black and yellow spiders.
    26. Why did the townspeople give up hope and leave the town?
    • Because many spiders found their way into underground tombs
    and passages.
    27. What are the two possibilities of the disappearance of the
    ancient Egyptian town?
    • a) The people of this town decided to burn it down to kill all the
    killer spiders that appeared in their town, they hoped to kill all
    spiders and rebuild the town again. The fire burned for six days
    and nights until nothing remained. But many spiders found their
    way into underground tombs and passage (unknown places). So
    the towns people gave up hope and left the town.
    • b) The climate in Egypt became drier, towns and villages
    disappeared under desert sand .
    28. Why wasn't Hassan's house a suitable place for the spider to stay at?
    • Because it was full of noise and light.
    29. Where do spiders usually live?
    • in dark and quiet places.
    30. What did the kilter spider do after laying its eggs?
    • It enclosed them in four sacs of white silk and then began its long wait.
    31. What was the spider's, Long wait ?
    • The spiders long wait was for its new born ones (new family).
    32. Where did-Dr Shereen Fakhry work?
    • She worked at the department of Egyptology at Oxford University.
    33. What did Dr Fakhry receive from an archaeologist in Egypt?
    • She received an ancient picture of a black and yellow spider.
    34. Why did Dr. Fakhry feel " a cold shiver down the back of her neck ?
    • Because she thought the spider might be dangerous.
    35. How did the spiders come to the town , in Ayman's opinion?
    • He thought that the police brought some boxes from the
    archaeological site near the town to the police station, perhaps
    they were in the boxes.
    36. Why did Ayman think that the killer spiders in ancient Egypt were not the same as the spider he saw ?
    • As he thought that there weren't any killer spiders in modem Egypt.
    37. Why did Dr. Fakhry think Ayman should tell the police about the spider that he saw ?
    • Because she thought the spider might be dangerous.
    38. Why didn't Ayman want to tell the police?
    • Because he thought every one would laugh at him .
    39. What did Dr. Shereen ask Ayman to do if he saw the spider again?
    • To try to photograph it so that she could identify.
    40. Why did Dr. Fakhry think that the spiders in the German
    Egyptoiogist's text were real ?
    • Because they were in a medical text.
    41. What was the medicine for the bite of the black and yellow
    spider made from?
    • It was made from the roots of the Echinacea Negra plants.
    42. Who was Susan Bennett?
    • 1- She was a friend to Dr Shereen.
    2- She was a zoologist at Oxford university.
    43. Why does the number of known species often go up ?
    • Because, new species are often discovered.
    44. What is Professor Malcolm Jones?
    • 1- He is the head of the zoology department at Oxford university
    • 2- He is a famous arachnologist.
    • 3- He's written books on spiders and other arachnids.
    45. What bad news did Professor Malcolm have on the telephone?
    • His trip to South America was cancelled.
    46. Why did the Professor seem quite interested in the picture of the spider?
    •As he thought it is an unknown species and it isn't on the database.
    47. Do you think that spiders in general are useful animals? Why?
    • Yes, I do, because they eat insects like flies Mosquitoes, and other pests.
    48. Why have the spiders come into our world again?
    • People disturbed them by building new cities near where they live.
    49. Why was there no antivenom for this spider ?
    • Because it was unknown and that every venomous animal had a
    different venom. The antivenom for one spider won’t work against
    the venom of a different spider.
    50. How long would it take to develop a new antivenom?
    • It would take years to develop a new antivenom.
    51. What must be done to stop the deadly spiders from spreading through Africa, Asia , and Europe?
    • Scientists should work hard to find ways to kill these species and
    their eggs.
    52. What did Ayman's family think of his story about the black and . yellow spiders?
    • They thought that half of it was true and the other half was Ayman's
    53. What would happen if people believed Ayman's story ?
    • a- They wouldn't stay in the hotels.
    • b- They wouldn't eat in the restaurants.
    • c- They wouldn't buy food products .
    • d- A lot of business would lose money.
    54. What did Ayman wish he had not done? Why?
    • He wished he hadn't told anyone about the spider because:
    a) Stories about dangerous spiders aren't good for businesses.
    b) Everyone would be furious.
    55. What was the turning point in the story?
    •That everyone blamed him for what he had done. He felt being a
    fool. Now everyone wants to listen to him after the news of the dead
    56. Why did two big lorries stop outside the police station next to Ayman's house?
    • Because:
    a- They are going to guard an archaeological site in the desert.
    b- They want to stop anyone going near it.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 11:47 am